

来源: 9778818威尼斯










2010/09-2016/06 兰州大学 生态学 理学博士 导师:杜国祯 教授

2006/09-2016/06 兰州大学 生物技术 理学学士 导师:浦铜良 教授


2016/07- 2021/12 9778818威尼斯 9778818威尼斯 博士后 合作导师:傅声雷 教授

2019/12-2021/01 University of California, Riverside 访问学者 合作导师:Loralee Larios 教授

2022/01- 至今 9778818威尼斯 9778818威尼斯 讲师








1.1 河南省重点研发与推广专项(科技攻关),212102110111,暖温带落叶阔叶林土壤种子库特征对氮沉降的响应,2021-01至2022-12, 主持

1.2 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2017M622335,森林生态系统中影响林下植被物种更新过程的生物与非生物因素探究,2018-01至2019-12,主持

1.3 河南省博士后科学基金,001703010,不同森林类型中灌木影响乔木幼苗建植过程的地上与地下途径,2018-01至2019-12,主持

1.4 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41971229,山区森林道路侵蚀泥沙的坡面传输机制与调控:从道路到河流,2020-01至2023-12,参加

1.5 国家自然科学基金青年项目,31800438,暖温带落叶阔叶林下丛枝菌根真菌群落结构与功能对氮沉降的响应机制,2019-01至2021-12,参加

1.6 国家自然科学基金青年项目,31700383,基于功能性状的土壤微生物群落构建对林冠层氮沉降的响应,2018-01至2020-12,参加


2.1 Li, Junyong; Girmaye, Benti; Wang, Dong; Yang, Zhongling and Xiao, Rui. Effect of alteration in precipitation amount on soil microbial community in a semi-arid grassland. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2022, doi:10.3389/ fmicb. 2022.842446

2.2 Li, Junyong; Lachlan, S Charles; Yang, Zhongling; Du, Guozhen and Fu, Shenglei. Differential mechanisms drive species loss under artificial shade and fertilization in the alpine meadow of Tibetan plateau. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022, doi:10.3389/ fpls.2022.832473

2.3 Yang, Zhongling; Wei, Yueyue; Fu, Guangya; Xiao, Rui; Chen, Ji; Zhang, Yaojun; Wang, Dong, Li, Junyong. Decreased precipitation in the late growing season weakens an ecosystem carbon sink in a semi-arid grassland. Journal of Applied Ecology. 2021, 00: 1-12.

2.4 Zhang, Chunhui#; Li, Junyong#; Willis, Charles G.; Ma, Zhen; Among- population variation in seed mass for 190 Tibetan plant species: Phylogenetic pattern and ecological correlates. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2020, 23:0-e01163. (co-first author)

2.5 Zhang, Jiayang#; Li, Junyong#; Xiao, Rui; Zhang, Jiajia; Wang, Dong; Miao, Renhui; Song, Hongquan; Liu, Yinzhan; Yang, Zhongling; Liu, Mengzhou; The response of productivity and its sensitivity to changes in precipitation: A meta-analysis of field manipulation experiments. Journal of Vegetation Science, 2020, 32:e12954. (co-first author)

2.6 Li, Junyong; Zhang, Chunhui; Yang, Zhongling; Guo, Hui; Zhou, Xiaolong; Du, Guozhen. Grazing and fertilization influence plant species richness via direct and indirect pathways in an alpine meadow of the eastern Tibetan Plateau, Grass and Forage Science, 2017, 72:343-354.

2.7 Wang, Peng; Yang, Fei; Chen, Xiaoyun; Li, Junyong; Zhou, Xianhui; Guo, Hui. Long-term fertilization effects on soil biotic communities are mediated by plant diversity in a Tibetan alpine meadow. Plant and Soil, 2022, 474: 525-540.

2.8 Li, Wen; Shi, Yifei; Zhu, Dandan; Wang, Wenqian; Liu, Haowei; Li, Junyong; Shi, Nannan; Ma, Lei; Fu, Shenglei. Fine root biomass and morphology in a temperate forest are influenced more by the nitrogen treatment approach than the rate. Ecological Indicators, 2021, 130(7):108031.

2.9 Zhao, Lina; Yu, Binbin; Wang, Mengmeng; Zhang, Jie; Shen, Zhifeng; Cui, Yang; Li, Junyong; Ye, Ji; Zu, Weizhong; Liu, Xiaojing; Fan, Zhongji; Fu, Shenglei; Shao, Yuanhu. The effects of plant resource inputs on the energy flux of soil nematodes are affected by climate and plant resource type. Soil Ecology Letters, 2021, 3:134-144.

2.10 Zhang, Chunhui; Willis, Charles G; Ma, Zhen; Ma, Miaojun; Csontos, Peter; Baskin, Carol C; Baskin, Jerry M; Li, Junyong; Zhou, Huakun; Zhao, Xinquan; Yao, Buqing; Du, Guozhen; Direct and indirect effects of long-term fertilization on the stability of the persistent seed bank, Plant and Soil, 2019, 438: 239-250.

2.11 Shen, Dingyu; Ye, Chenglong; Hu, zhengkun; Chen, Xiaoyun; Guo, Hui; Li, Junyong; Du, Guozhen; Sina, M.A.; Liu, Manqiang. Increased chemical stability but decreased physical protection of soil organic carbon in response to nutrient amendment in a Tibetan alpine meadow. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 2018, 126: 11-21.

2.12 Zhang, Chunhui; Willis, Charles G; Klein, Julia A; Ma, Zhen; Li, Junyong; Zhou, Huakun; Zhao, Xinquan. Recovery of plant species diversity during long-term experimental warming of a species-rich alpine meadow community on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau. Biological Conservation, 2017, 213: 218-224.

2.13 Hu, Jing; Chen, Guorong; Wail, Hassan; Chen, Han; Li, Junyong; Du, Guozhen. Fertilization influences the nematode community through changing the plant community in the Tibetan Plateau. European Journal of Soil Biology, 2017; 78: 7-16.

2.14 Zhang, Pengfei; Zhou, Xiaolong; Li, Junyong; Guo, Zhi; Du, Guozhen. Space resource utilisation: a novel indicator to quantify species competitive ability for light. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:16832.

2.15 Liu, Yongjun#, Mao, Lin#; Li, Junyong, Shi, Guoxi; Jiang, Shengjin; Ma, Xiaojun, An, Lizhe, Du, Guozhen, Feng, Huyuan. Resource availability differentially drives community assemblages of plants and their root-associated arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Plant and Soil, 2014, 386: 341-355.

2.16 Ma, Zhen; Ma, Miaojun; Baskin JM, Baskin CC, Li, Junyong; Du, Guozhen. Responses of alpine meadow seed bank and vegetation to nine consecutive years of soil fertilization. Ecological Engineering, 2014, 70: 92-101.

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