

来源: 9778818威尼斯






籍 贯:山东齐河



电子邮箱:yshao@vip.henu.edu.cn ; shaoyuanh@scbg.ac.cn





2006-09 至 2009-07, 中国科学院华南植物园, 生态学, 博士

2003-09 至 2006-07, 中国科学院华南植物园, 生态学, 硕士

1999-09 至 2003-07, 内蒙古大学, 生态学, 学士


2019-01 至 今, 9778818威尼斯, 环境与规划学院, 副教授

2016-03 至 2018-12, 9778818威尼斯, 环境与规划学院, 助理研究员

2009-08 至 2016-02, 中国科学院华南植物园, 生态中心, 助理研究员










国家科技基础资源调查专项课题6“东部农区土壤动物群落特征及生存现状基础数据调查(2018FY100306), 2019/01-2023/12”专题2:东部农区小型土壤动物群落特征及生存现状基础数据调查,50万元,在研,主持


国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“土壤线虫对食物网中上行效应和下行效应相对重要性的反应(31100385),2012.1-2014.12”, 24万元,结题,主持




Zhou QQ, Wang XL, Wu Y, Chen Z, Li DB, Shao YH*, Wu JP*. 2023. Contrasting responses of soil nematode trophic groups to long-term nitrogen addition. Ecosystems. 26: 893–908. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10021-022-00803-3.

Wang MM, Yu BB, Shen ZF, Zhao LN, Zhang J, Cui Y, Fan ZJ, Zu WZ, Dai GH, Zhang WX, Fu SL, Shao YH*. 2023. Changes in soil and litter properties differentially influence soil nematode communities across three successional stages in two contrasting forests. Land Degradation and Development. 34: 3196–3207. DOI: 10.1002/ldr.4676.

Shao YH, Wang ZY, Liu T, Kardol P, Ma CE, Hu YH, Cui Y, Zhao CC, Zhang WX, Guo DL, Fu SL*. 2023. Drivers of nematode diversity in forest soils across climatic zones. Proceeding of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 290: 20230107.

Zhao LN, Yu BB, Wang MM, Zhang J, Shen ZF, Cui Y, Li JY, Ye J, Zu WZ, Liu XJ, Fan ZJ, Fu SL, Shao YH* 2021. The effects of plant resource inputs on the energy flux of soil nematodes are affected by climate and plant resource type. Soil Ecology Letters 3: 134–144.

Liu T, Mao P, Shi LL, Wang ZY, Wang XL, He XX, Tao LB, Liu ZF, Zhou LX, Shao YH*, Fu SL* 2020. Contrasting effects of nitrogen deposition and increased precipitation on soil nematode communities in a temperate forest. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 148: 107869.

Liu T, Mao P, Shi LL, Eisenhauer N, Liu SJ, Wang XL, He XX, Wang ZY, Zhang W, Liu ZF, Zhou LX, Shao YH*, Fu SL* 2020. Forest canopy maintains the soil community composition under elevated nitrogen deposition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 143: 107733.

Zhao CC, Zhao J, Wu JP, Classen AT, Li YX, Lou YP, Zhang WX, Jing X, Shao YH*, Fu SL*. 2019. Bamboo forest management leads to a shift in the soil energy channel, Geoderma. 353: 201-203.

Shao YH, Zhang WX, Eisenhauer N, Liu T, Ferlian O, Wang XL, Xiong YM, Liang CF, Fu SL*. 2019. Exotic earthworms maintain soil biodiversity by altering bottom-up effects of plants on the composition of soil microbial groups and nematode communities. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 55: 213-227.

Shao YH, Liu T, Eisenhauer N, Zhang WX, Wang XL, Xiong YM, Liang CF, Fu SL*. 2018. Plants mitigate detrimental nitrogen deposition effects on soil biodiversity. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 127, 178–186.

Shao YH, Zhang WX, Eisenhauer N, Liu T, Xiong YM, Liang CF, Fu SL*. 2017. Nitrogen deposition cancels out exotic earthworm effects on plant-feeding nematode communities. Journal of Animal Ecology. 86, 708–717. (In Focus paper; F1000 Recommendation, https://f1000.com/prime/727331699).

Shao YH, Wang XL, Zhao J, Wu JP, Zhang WX, Neher D, Li YX, Lou YP, Fu SL*. 2016. Subordinate plants sustain the complexity and stability of soil micro-foodwebs in subtropical natural forest ecosystems. Journal of Applied Ecology. 53: 130-139.

Shao YH, Bao WK, Chen DM, Eisenhauer N, Zhang WX, Pang XY, Xu GL, Fu SL*. 2015. Using structural equation modeling to test established theory and develop novel hypotheses for the structuring forces in soil food webs. Pedobiologia. 58: 137-145.

Shao YH, Zhang WX, Liu ZF, Sun YX, Wu JP, Zhou LX, Xia HP, Neher D, Fu SL*. 2012. Responses of soil microbial and nematode communities to aluminum toxicity in vegetated oil-shale-waste lands. Ecotoxicology. 21: 2132–2142.

Shao YH, Zhang WX, Shen JC, Zhou LX, Xia HP, Shu WS, Ferris H, Fu SL*. 2008. Nematodes as indicators of soil recovery in tailings of a lead/zinc mine. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 40: 2040-2046.



傅声雷,张卫信,邵元虎,时雷雷,刘占锋 等著.2019.土壤生态学——土壤食物网及其生态功能. ISBN: 978-7-03-059209-5. 科学出版社.

傅声雷, 张卫信, 邵元虎, 徐国良. 2011. 土壤食物网. 一万个科学难题-农业科学卷. 北京: 中国科学出版社, pp303-306.  


土壤动物的生态功能, 河南省人民政府, 科技进步, 省部二等奖, 2019(傅声雷; 张卫信; 邵元虎; 赵杰; 颜绍馗; 徐国良; 汪思龙)


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