

来源: 9778818威尼斯



















1)、基于brGDGTs定量重建的帕米尔高原过去~5000年以来温度变化历史,2020M672203,中国博士后科学基金会,面上资助,2020-06 至 2022-06,在研,主持.

2)、天山中部过去~2000年以来的气候变化高分辨率重建及古文明演替探究,201902021,河南省人力资源和社会保障厅,博士后科研项目,2019-09 至 2021-06,结题,主持.


Yunpeng Yang*, Zhaodong Feng*, Min Ran, Dongliang Zhang, Bo Lan, Aizhi Sun, 2021. Holocene vegetation and hydrology variations and their associations with climate changes: a multi‑proxy analysis of a sediment core from an alpine basin in the middle Tianshan Mountains. Climate Dynamics, 1-18.

Yunpeng Yang*, Zhaodong Feng*, Dongliang Zhang, Bo Lan, Min Ran, Wei Wang, 2021. Holocene hydroclimate variations in the eastern Tianshan Mountains of northwestern China inferred from a palynological study. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 564: 110184.

Yunpeng Yang, Min Ran*, Aizhi Sun, 2020. Pollen-recorded bioclimatic variations of the last ~2000 years retrieved from Bayan Nuur in the western Mongolian Plateau. Boreas, 49: 350-362.

Yunpeng Yang*, Dongliang Zhang, Aizhi Sun, Wei Wang, Bo Lan, Zhaodong Feng*, 2019. Pollen-based reconstructions of vegetation and climate changes during the late Holocene in the southern Altai Mountains. The Holocene, 29(9): 1450-1458.

Yunpeng Yang, Dongliang Zhang, Bo Lan, Nurbay Abdusalih, Zhaodong Feng*, 2019. Peat δ13Ccelluose-signified moisture variations over the past ∼2200 years in the southern Altai Mountains, northwestern China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 174: 59-67.

Dongliang Zhang*, Yaoming Li, Kaihui Li, Xuexi Ma, Yunpeng Yang*, 2021. Vegetation dynamics and climate variability over the past 2000 years inferred from Son Kul marsh in the western Tianshan Mountains. Journal of Mountain Science, 18(5): 1246-1255.

Dongliang Zhang*, Liang Chen, Zhaodong Feng*, Min Ran, Yunpeng Yang, Yan Zhang, Qi Liu, 2021. Four peat humification-recorded Holocene hydroclimate changes in the southern Altai Mountains of China. The Holocene, doi.org/10.1177/09596836211011674.

Aizhi Sun*, Yunpeng Yang*, Huining Wu, Min Ran, 2020. Climate change on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau during the past ~600 years inferred from peat pollen records. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 276: 104194.

Dongliang Zhang, Xi Chen, Yaoming Li, Min Ran, Yunpeng Yang, Shengrui Zhang, Zhaodong Feng*, 2020. Holocene moisture variations in the Arid Central Asia: New evidence from the southern Altai Mountains of China. Science of the Total Environment, 735: 139545.

Dongliang Zhang, Xi Chen, Yaoming Li, Wei Wang, Aizhi Sun, Yunpeng Yang, Min Ran, Zhaodong Feng*, 2020. Response of vegetation to Holocene evolution of westerlies in the Asian Central Arid Zone. Quaternary Science Reviews, 229: 106138.

Dongliang Zhang*, Yunpeng Yang, Min Ran, 2020. Variations of surface soil δ13Corg in the different climatic regions of China and paleoclimatic implication. Quaternary International, 536: 92-102.

Bo Lan*, Dongliang Zhang, Yunpeng Yang, Liping He, Xin Zhang, Renyu Zhong, 2019. Diatom-based reconstructions of hydrological variations and the underlying mechanisms during the past ∼520 years in the central Tianshan Mountains. Journal of Hydrology, 575: 945-954.

Dongliang Zhang*, Zhaodong Feng*, Yunpeng Yang, Bo Lan, Min Ran, Guijin Mu, 2018. Peat δ13Ccelluose-recorded wetting trend during the past 8000 years in the southern Altai Mountains, northern Xinjiang, NW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 156: 174-179.

Dongliang Zhang*, Yunpeng Yang, Bo Lan, 2018. Climate variability in the northern and southern Altai Mountains during the past 50 years. Scientific Reports, 8(1): 3238.

Bo Lan*, Dongliang Zhang, Yunpeng Yang, 2018. Lacustrine sediment chronology defined by 137Cs, 210Pb and 14C and the hydrological evolution of Lake Ailike during 1901–2013, northern Xinjiang, China. Catena, 161: 104-112.

Dongliang Zhang*, Yunpeng Yang, Bo Lan, 2017. Peat humification- and δ13Ccellulose-recorded warm-season moisture variations during the past 500 years in the southern Altai Mountains within northern Xinjiang of China. Journal of Mountain Science, 14(11): 2200-2211.

Bo Lan*, Dongliang Zhang, Yunpeng Yang, 2017. Evolution of Lake Ailike (northern Xinjiang of China) during past 130 years inferred from diatom data. Quaternary International, 475: 70-79.

Zhaodong Feng, Aizhi Sun*, Nurbayev Abdusalih, Min Ran, Alishir Kurban, Bo Lan, Dongliang Zhang, Yunpeng Yang, 2017. Vegetation changes and associated climatic changes in the southern Altai Mountains within China during the Holocene. The Holocene, 27(5): 683-693.

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