

来源: 9778818威尼斯




籍贯:黑龙江 牡丹江




9778818威尼斯“杰出人才特区支持计划”教授,博士生导师,获得国家级青年人才,李小文遥感科学青年奖,省海外优青等。2017年获悉尼科技大学(University of Technology Sydney, QS = 88)博士,2017-2021年在澳大利亚昆士兰大学(The University of Queensland, QS = 40 )做博士后,目前为澳洲昆士兰大学荣誉研究员。主持国家自然科学基金面上基金、青年基金,国家首批海外引才资助项目,及中国博士后派出计划、面上基金等,参与多项澳洲重点、重大基金项目。目前已发表20余篇SCI论文,作为第一/通讯作者的12篇论文全部发表到领域顶级期刊上,其中包括Nature Sustainability (封面和Nature highlights, IF = 27.2), Remote Sensing of Environment (5, IF = 13.9), Journal of Hydrology (2篇),ISPRSWater Research (IF = 13.4),Communications Earth & Environment等,篇均影响因子13.2Remote Sensing, Chinese Geographical Science编委,AGU Earth and Space Science主编。










2009.09 – 2012.07, 中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所, 遥感, 硕士

2012.09 – 2016.09, University of Technology Sydney (QS = 88), 遥感, 博士


2014.02 – 2016.07, University of Technology Sydney, 教学助理

2014.07 – 2016.08, University of Technology Sydney, 研究助理

2016.09 – 2017.08, Government of New South Wales, Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, 工程师

2022.01 – 至今, American Geophysical Union (AGU), Earth and Space Science, 主编

2017.09 – 2021.06, University of Queensland (QS = 40), 博士后

2021.06 – 至今, 9778818威尼斯, 9778818威尼斯, 教授


1. 第三届李小文遥感科学青年奖, 北京师范大学李小文基金, 2021 (2年评选1次,每次在所有遥感科研工作者中评选5人)

2. 9778818威尼斯优秀研究生导师(2022,2023); 年度考核优秀(2021-2023),嘉奖,记功

3. Journal of Hydrology优秀审稿人

4. The University of Queensland CBCS 优秀博士后

5. University of Technology Sydney校长科研奖学金


1. 国家级高层次青年人才(中组部“**计划”青年拔尖),2024.01 – 2026.12,在研

2. 国家首批海外引才资助项目,2024.01 – 2026.12120万,在研

3. 国家自然科学基金委员会面上项目, 42371311, 华北平原“漏斗区”休耕政策成效量化及其地下水影响机制研究, 2024.01 - 2027.12, 46万,在研

4. 国家自然科学基金委员会青年科学基金项目, 41801262, 基于生物多样性保护的遥感大尺度非竞争性遗弃农用地提取研究, 2019.01 - 2021.12, 25万,结题

5. 中国博士后国际交流派出计划, 201940, 全球尺度非竞争性农用地提取及其生物多样性保护研究, 2019.09 - 2021.09, 30万元, 结题

6. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助, 336327,休耕政策对华北平原地下水“漏斗”的修复研究,2024.01 - 2025.12, 8万,在研

7. 中英国际交流基金,223287A Big Data Approach to Remotely Tracking Global Rangeland Condition Changes2023.03 – 2025.031.2万英镑,在研

8. 中原英才-引才系列青年学者(省海外优青),遥感大数据在保护生态学中的应用,2022.01 - 2024.12, 60万,在研

9. 河南省自然科学基金面上项目,232300420164,基于遥感大数据的地下水漏斗区休耕地时空演变及其节水效应研究,2023.01 - 2024.12,在研

10. 国家留学基金委员会-河南省地方合作项目,202220,遥感大数据技术在保护生态学与可持续发展中的应用,2023.07 - 2024.07, 15万,在研

11. 河南省高层次人才国际化培养项目,202325,遥感大数据技术在保护生态学与可持续发展中的应用,2024.09 - 2025.09, 10万,在研

12. 9778818威尼斯“杰出人才特区支持计划”特聘教授,2021.062026.06, 200万,在研


1. Xie, Zunyi, Game, Edward, Hobbs, Richard, Pannell, David, Phinn, Stuart, McDonald-Madden, Eve. Conservation opportunities on uncontested lands, Nature Sustainability, 2020, 3(1): 9-15 (封面文章Nature highlights)

2. Xie, Zunyi, Zhao, Yan, Jiang, Ruizhu, Zhang, Miao, Hammer, Graeme, Chapman, Scott, Brider, Jason, Potgieter, Andries. Seasonal dynamics of fallow and cropping lands in the broadacre cropping region of Australia, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2024, 305:114070.

3. Xie, Zunyi, Huete, Alfredo, Cleverly, James, Stuart Phinn, Eve McDonald-Madden, Cao, Yanping, Qin, Fen. Multi-climate mode interactions drive hydrological and vegetation responses to hydroclimatic extremes in Australia, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2019, 231: 111270.

4. Xie, Zunyi*, Phinn, Stuart, Game, Edward, Pannell, David, Hobbs, Richard, Briggs, Peter, McDonald-Madden, Eve. Using Landsat observations (1988–2017) and Google Earth Engine to detect vegetation cover changes in rangelands - A first step towards identifying degraded lands for conservation, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2019, 232: 111317.

5. Xie, Zunyi, Huete, Alfredo, Restrepo-Coupe, Natalia, Ma, Xuanlong, Devadas, Rakhesh, Caprarelli, Graziella. Spatial partitioning and temporal evolution of Australia's total water storage under extreme hydroclimatic impacts, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2016, 183: 43-52.

6. Mao, Yongjing, Harris, Daniel, Xie, Zunyi*, Phinn, Stuart. Global Coastal Geomorphology - Integrating Earth Observation and Geospatial Data. Global Coastal Geomorphology - Integrating Earth Observation and Geospatial Data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2022, 278, 113082.

7. Xie, Zunyi*, Game, Edward, Phinn, Suart, Adams, Matthew, Bayarjargal, Yunden, Pannell, David, Purevbaatar, Ganbold, Baldangombo, Batkhuyag, Hobbs, Richard, Yao, Jing, McDonald-Madden, Eve. A scalable big data approach for remotely tracking rangeland conditions. Communications Earth & Environment, 2024, 5, 1-5.

8. Li, Jianguo, Xie, Zunyi*, Qiu, Xiaocong, Yu, Qiang, Bu, Jianwei, Sun, Ziyong, Long, Ruijun, Brandis, Kate, He, Jie, Feng, Qi, Ramp, Daniel. Heavy metal habitat: a novel framework for mapping heavy metal contamination over large-scale catchment with a species distribution model. Water Research, 2022, 226,119310.

9. Xie, Zunyi, Huete, Alfredo, Ma, Xuanlong, Restrepo-Coupe, Natalia, Devadas, Rakhesh, Clarke, Kenneth, Lewis, Megan. Landsat and GRACE observations of arid wetland dynamics in a dryland river system under multi-decadal hydroclimatic extremes, Journal of Hydrology, 2016, 543: 818-831.

10. Cao, yanping, Xie, Zunyi*, Woodgate, William, Ma, Xuanlong, Cleverly, Jamie, Pang, yingjun, Qin, Fen, Huete, Alfredo. Ecohydrological decoupling of water storage and vegetation attributed to China’s large-scale ecological restoration programs. Journal of Hydrology, 2022, 615,128651.

11. Xie, Zunyi, ShangGuan, Donghui, Zhang, Shiqiang, Ding, Yongjian, Liu, Shiyin (2013). Index for hazard of Glacier Lake Outburst flood of Lake Merzbacher by satellite-based monitoring of lake area and ice cover. Global and Planetary Change, 2013, 107, 229-237.

12. Mao, Yongjing, Harris, Daniel, Xie, Zunyi*, Phinn, Stuart. Efficient measurement of large-scale decadal shoreline change with increased accuracy in tide-dominated coastal environments with Google Earth Engine. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2021, 181, 385-399.

13. Runting, Runting, Phinn, Stuart, Xie, Zunyi, Venter, Oscar, Watson, James. Opportunities for big data in conservation and sustainability. Nature Communications,2020, 11,2003.

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